Tales of Chicken update details

Version 1026 (2022y 03m 01d)

The balance of all chapters from Chapter 1 to the final chapter has been revised. Also, we shortened the distance of each chapter so that you don't get bored or tired because the play time is too long.

We have reduced the number of front ads outputs. By adding time conditions, once the front advertisement is printed, it will not appear for the next 5 minutes.

When you click on the bookmark of story mode, it has always been moved to the prologue page, but now it has been changed to go to the highest chapter you can enter.

To find out what the users are having a hard,

We have sent six log events, including PlayChapter / ReplayChapter / LastChapter / TrainingLevel / Continue / PurchaseHorse. We will refer to these data to provide better service.

In-game, the UI that displays the current distance has been improved to make it easier to see.

Post processing has been activated in-game to improve graphics.

The graphic was slightly improved by activating the Bloom effect in the Top scene.

-Bug fix

If you press the left button while at level 0 in the training center, the problem of leaving the explanation blank has been corrected.

The round effect displayed on the ground when obtaining a heart or star has been modified to prevent it from being buried in the ground.

In Chapter 4, there was a problem that the running speed did not increase when ride on the deer, so we corrected it.
There was a problem that the book stopped opening at the Ending scene and a problem that some areas of the front cover of the book flashes black when zooming in with the book
so we corrected it.

- Text correction

At Chapter 7 page, a tip added at the bottom, "In winter, all mushrooms look white, so you should be especially careful when eating mushrooms."

The phrase "You cannot use the shop yet." in the store may be misleading as if the store itself is not ready, so revised it to "Stores are not available due to age restrictions. Please check the date of birth in the option window."

Version 1022 (2022y 02m 09d)

BGM has been added to the title scene.

In the title scene, we removed the pop-up asking if you want to log in with your Google account and the pop-up asking if you want to activate customized advertisements. These functions can be used in the settings pop-up of the main scene.

In the date of birth entry pop-up. "NestBird does not collect or store this information. If you skip this process, your date of birth will be set as of today and only content for children will be activated." added.

The volume has been modified to apply properly to some sound effects that have not been adjusted even if the sound effects volume is zero in the setting window.

The replay function and the dialog removal function have been added. Now, a chapter that has been cleared can be played without affecting the story through replay. At this time, if you check the Skip Non-essential Dialogue option, you can disable most of the chat windows that appear in the in-game.

Now you can hear each character's voice when you click a character button in the Character Guide page.

And also you can hear each item sounds when you click a item button in the Item Guide page.

In Chapter 3, you can see the yellow heart UI better when you rest.

- Balance control

The interval after Side Dash has changed to 0.5 seconds => 0.3 seconds so that after Side Dash, other movements can be switched faster.

The height of the wide and high fence has reduced to 2 => 1.8 so that it could jump over it with a Double Jump.

Chapter 8 ~ Final chapter, the curve was bent too downward or greatly bent left/right, making it difficult to avoid obstacles, so the degree of bending of the curve has somewhat mitigated.

Until the previous version, the horses ran away because they were scared in the Final chapter, but now emir can ride horses again.
Blue mushrooms were placed to lower the difficulty of the Final chapter's final chase.

-Bug fix

The Side Dash activates at the wing level 5, but in the in-game, the Side Dash button was activated from the wing level 4 (pressing this button does not activate the Side Dash). The button has been modified to be activated at wing level 5.

Some texts in Chapter 7 were modified because the BBCode did not applied.

Version 1014(2022y 01m 17d)

Some letters, such as fox, duck, wolf, and treasure box, have changed their colors.

Occasionally, the problem that the summary of each chapter is not displayed has been corrected.

The game name has been changed to "Chicken Fly" => "Tales of Chicken."

Version 1009(2022y 01m 08d)

Google Admob has been reconnected.

Some of the character letter colors have been changed.

The problem that mushrooms did not come out in Chapter5 has been corrected.

The jump button and the horse summon button have been changed to be activated when the button is pressed, not when the button is released.

The scroll speed of each chapter has been lowered about 5~10% overall.

Reduced the difficulty by reducing the number of obstacles in Chapters 1 to 4.


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