Tales of Chicken Privacy Policies

"Tales of Chicken". Personal information processing policy.

NestBird's "Tales of Chicken" has the following processing policies to protect users' personal information and rights under the Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Purpose of processing personal information.

1) Use Google Play game plug-in function.
“Tales of Chicken” uses the Google Play game plug-in to store game data and use in-app payment functions.
Users can play games without logging in with a Google account, but they must log in with a Google account to back up their play progress to the cloud.
Neutral age screening is conducted to determine whether the user is a child, and users under the age of 16 cannot log in or use the store with a Google account. In the neutral age screening, the date of birth information entered by the user is stored only on the user's device.
NestBird does not collect and store user's date of birth information.

2) Use Google AdMob.
"Tales of Chicken" uses the Google Admob service to display advertisements in the game.
Personalized advertising functions are not used for unknown users or children and adolescents under the age of 19, and only G-rated advertisements, which are suitable for all subjects, including families and children, are displayed.
Personalized advertisements are basically activated for adult users over the age of 19, and MA-rated content is posted. If you want to disable customized advertisements, you can change the settings in the Options window.

Users' cookies and advertising IDs are used to display personalized advertisements.
Advertisements other than personalized advertisements do not use cookies or advertising IDs for advertising targeting, but use cookies or mobile advertising IDs to set the frequency of publication, integrate advertising reports, and prevent fraud and abuse.

NestBird does not collect and store personal information of users who play "Tales of Chicken."
For more information on Google's policy, please refer to Google's terms of service, personal information processing policy, cookie usage, advertising ID, personalized advertising/non-personalized advertising.

2. Period of retention of personal information.

NestBird does not store or collect personal information.
The period of personal information retention of Google Play and Google Admob is in accordance with each company's policy.

3. Matters concerning the provision of personal information to a third party.

Personal information is provided on Google Play and Google Admob, respectively, when using the login function or when advertisements are displayed on the game.

4. Matters concerning the consignment of personal information processing.

When using the login function or when advertisements are displayed in the game, the processing of personal information is entrusted to Google Play and Google Admob, respectively.

5. Matters concerning the rights and obligations of the data subject and the method of exercise thereof.

Users can exercise their rights as personal data subjects.

1) Request to read personal information.
2) If there's an error, ask for correction.
3) Request deletion.
4) Request to stop processing.

NestBird does not store or collect personal information.
Please contact Google for personal information used to log in and display advertisements.

6. Items of personal information to be processed.

Users over the age of 16 can log in to their Google account and back up their play progress to the cloud. At this time, the account information required for login is used.
In addition, users' cookies and advertising IDs can be used to display advertisements through Google AdMob.
In this process, NestBird does not store or collect users' personal information separately.

7. Matters concerning the destruction of personal information.

NestBird does not store or collect personal information.
However, you have to contact the company and destroy the items collected by Google.
Please refer to the link below for destruction of user data.

8. Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices.

NestBird does not store or collect personal information.
Tales of Chicken can be enjoyed without Google login, and even if you log in, you can log out of the options window at any time.
If you don't want to use personalized advertising through Google Admob, disable it in the Options window, turn on "Restriction of Advertising Tracking" on your IOS device, or turn on "Refuse Interest-based Advertising" on your Android device.
Please refer to the link below for more information.

Android : https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/142293?hl=en
IOS : https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202074

9. Matters concerning the person in charge of personal information protection.

1) Person in charge of personal information protection.
NestBird is in charge of personal information processing and designates the person in charge of personal information protection as follows to handle complaints and remedy damages of information subjects related to personal information processing.
Position: CEO.
Contact: +82 10 5713-7816, nestbirdservice@gmail.com

The data subject may contact the person in charge of personal information protection and the department in charge of personal information protection for inquiries, complaints, and damage relief arising from Nest Bird's service.
NestBird will answer and process the information subject's inquiries as much as possible.

2) Matters concerning the change of personal information processing policy.
1> This personal information processing policy will be applied from the effective date, and if there is any addition, deletion, or correction of changes in accordance with laws and policies, it will be notified seven days before the implementation of the changes.

2> This personal information processing policy will take effect on December 9, 2021.

10. Matters concerning measures to secure the safety of personal information.

NestBird does not store or collect personal information.
For information on Google's personal information security, please refer to the link below.


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